Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Craft Day

A few friends came over for a craft day last month. We try to get together on a fairly regular basis, either with a set project we want to try or to just work on individual projects. It's great to have the motivation and inspiration from the others. Here are Leann, Chris and Jeanne in my craft room in March.

At our last get-together Chris gave us a professional-grade class on gelli plate printing. Sadly, we were having so much fun printing designs that we didn't take any photos.

This time we had planned to create with old spoons, stamping on the metal and adding embellishments. None of us proved strong enough for the metal stamping. It would have been easier if the metal had been heated, but we didn't have a handy heat source. We were a bit discouraged at first, but Leann jumped right in with a great idea for her spoon. She wet paper and shaped it into the spoon bowl, trimmed it and added a few bits and pieces. She left room to add some things when she got home, but it was awesome even unfinished. She can make something lovely out of just about anything.
Chris added a string of beads and a charm to her spoon. I love this effect, too, and still plan to try it the next time I dig out my beads.

I added a some green burlap, paper cutouts and a metal tag to one spoon, then asked Leann if she would mind my making one like hers. She didn't mind, but I tried to make it at least slightly different (just ever so slightly!)

When the DH came home that afternoon, I told him about our difficulties. He used brute strength to stamp one spoon for me, so here are my three completed spoons.

We may have to try this again when we have a torch handy. One of our group couldn't make it that Saturday (missed you, Debbie!) and Jeanne was too busy looking at my craft room and thinking of future projects, so those are great reasons to have a do-over.


  1. I have been wanting to work with spoons. These are great ideas! So glad you had fun. I'm envious of your group - I've got to find one too!

  2. You are so lucky to have get togethers with other artists. That must be such a fun time. Your spoons are really lovely! Wow!
    I need to find a group : )
